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Storm Lake Location: 712-732-4343
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Monday, February 06, 2017
You take pride in your home’s appearance and then one day you notice ugly black streaks or splotches on your roof. Alarmed, you think, what’s that on my roof and where did it come from?
Well roof algae contains a dark pigment that serves as a protective coating which shields it from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. This is what gives it the unattractive blackish color. As the algae grows, gravity gradually pulls it down the roof creating the characteristic dark streaks. On light-colored roofs these dark stains can raise indoor temperatures leading to an increase in your home’s cooling costs.
Recently we had a customer use our Wet and Forget on his house roof. This picture shows the back of his house section where he used the Wet and Forget on as a test area. Simple, easy and as you can tell effective!
Wet and Forget doesn’t just work on roofs either, try it on siding, fencing, decking and more!